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Study Materials

The UMN Actuary Club is part of the Coaching Actuaries Campus Club program, meaning that we have a partnership with them to get discounts on their study materials. To learn more about the materials available to you, check out the Coaching Actuaries webpage. You can find additional study materials at The Infinite Actuary (student discounts!) and ACTEX Learning as well.

Additionally, Rising Fellow is an excellent resource for students following the CAS route, with courses and study materials for the later CAS exams. Keep them in mind for later and check them out!

Study Material Reimbursement Program

We are excited to announce that the Actuary Club will be reimbursing $100 towards one study material per student each semester! To qualify for this reimbursement, students must:

  • be currently enrolled at the U of M as an undergraduate student
  • send a receipt of their actuarial exam study material purchase
  • attend 4 semester meetings OR send proof of class/work scheduling conflicts that prohibit attendance

To receive reimbursement, please fill out this Google Form and a board member will reach out to you!

For questions regarding study material discounts/reimbursements for Actuary Club members or access to discount codes, please email [email protected].